Background And Experience
The Beginning—An Unforgettable Experience
In 1989 I began my golf instruction career teaching at The Doral Resort and Spa for the world's number one ranked instructor of the 1980's and early 1990's—Jimmy Ballard. He was instructor to hundreds of professionals, including Number One Money Leaders on the PGA Tour and U.S. Open, PGA, and Masters champions.
It was while teaching for Jimmy that I learned one of the most important aspects of golf instruction—not what, but how, to teach. Learning how to teach at a world class level has been invaluable in my efforts to provide the best instruction available.
The Middle—The Ben Hogan Golf Swing
When I left Doral I was teaching Jimmy's swing concepts, although a fascination with Ben Hogan's swing had been kindled while I was at Doral (Hogan was one of Ballard's swing models). I began to shift my focus in that direction as it was obviously a much better way to swing! Once I felt I had a pretty good understanding, after about five years, I began teaching the Hogan swing and I discarded my Ballard teaching because of serious conflicts between them.
I knew the Hogan swing was too demanding for most golfers, but I continued to study and teach it to the exclusion of all other methods of swinging. During this period, my only interest was working with golfers who wanted to learn the best swing of all time and who wanted to be the best golfer they could possibly be.
The Late Middle—Offering Quality Instruction Options
My mindset continued to change as years passed. Having developed a thorough understanding of the Hogan swing, the only swing without manipulation, my eyes had been opened to the strengths and weaknesses of other swings. I found some that I felt were excellent swings with very good ball control, and one of them was even a full on power swing. While these swings were not up to Hogan standards, they were awesome swings based on the swings of a few of the worlds best golfers and they are easier to learn than the Hogan swing. I am very pleased that over the years I was able to find a variety of swings I felt very good about teaching.
Nearing The End—Back To Ben Hogan
I had semi-retired and decided compromise was not an option. My teaching was again limited to only offering the best swing of all time—the swing of Ben Hogan.
The End—Retired
I have retired.
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Casey Eberting Golf Instruction
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